Multiplicities: Paintings by Michele Adrienne L’Heureux

November 7, 2008 - December 21, 2008
Reception: November 20, 2008 at 1227204000
Michele Adrienne L'Heureux

Providence artist Michele L’Heureux creates paintings that examine the fragmented, fluid and hybrid identities of people and places. Her manipulation of surface and materials’particularly her use of collage and found objects’reference the constantly overlapping, decaying and regenerating nature of these identities. Michele’s paintings also explore ambiguity,: how you can’t always be sure what you’re seeing at any given time and how our lives are filled with many more questions than answers. She is particularly interested in ambiguity and fluidity as it relates to gender. Her most recent paintings examine’and attempt to dismantle’societal notions of gender as fixed and binary. Through her own vocabulary of signs and marks, Michele’s paintings explore the mutability and performance of gender.

Michele is currently pursuing an M.F.A. in painting at the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth. She received a B.A. in studio art from Wheaton College with a concentration in printmaking and an M.A. in philosophy from Temple University. Along the way, she also earned a diploma in carpentry from the North Bennett Street School in Boston, after which she ran her own remodeling business. She lives and works in Providence, RI.

MULTIPLICITIES will be on exhibition in the Narrows Gallery November 7 ‘ December 21. Gallery hours are Wednesday ‘ Saturday, Noon ‘ 5:00 and by appointment. Gallery Admission is Free during regular Gallery hours. All concert ticket-holders are also welcome to view the exhibition on performance night.

Opening Reception is Thursday, November 20th from 6:00 ‘ 9:00 PM.The public is cordially invited to attend and refreshments will be served.

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