Street Scenes Near and Far

October 2, 2015 - October 31, 2015
Reception: September 8, 2024 at -62169984000
Don Hammontree

Hailing from Central Illinois, Don Hammontree is a Salem, Massachusetts-based artist, photographer, musician and writer. His photographs and colorful paintings, which tend to focus on streetscapes, architecture and vintage automobiles, have been displayed throughout New England, in exhibits and shows stretching from Salem, Boston, Cambridge, Somerville, New Bedford, and Fall River in Massachusetts to Newport, Providence and Pawtucket in Rhode Island. As a musician, Hammontree is a regular presence on the local music circuit, performing original material from his three solo records in venues across Massachusetts, Rhode Island and New Hampshire. He’s currently the guitarist/singer for the Cambridge-based power-pop trio Bad Fogelberg and will be recording new material with them in the coming months. Image: ‘Port of Tangier, Morocco’ acrylics & ink

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