The Three Visions

June 24, 2011 - July 16, 2011
Reception: July 10, 2011 at 1310313600
Tiago Finato
Matt Miller
George Mitchell Jr.

The Three Visions exhibition highlights the interpretations of three artists, Tiago Finato, Matt Miller and George Mitchell Jr. and how they see life through their portraiture, still-life and landscape works.
Tiago Finato, an internationally recognized artist is the president and artist in residence of the Greater Fall River Art Association. He says, ‘After working many years in a variety of art forms, I realized that my greatest satisfaction came from my portrait and still-life work. Choosing to focus on these subjects was a big decision, which has allowed me to concentrate on and refine the skills required to capture the essence of these subjects’.
Matt Miller is a native of Buffalo, NY. Matt’s artwork has been heavily influenced by the work of David Leffel and through the training sessions he has had with Mr. Leffel. Matt strives to bring his subjects to life using an ‘abstract realism’ style of painting. He has ‘an abundance of paintings in his head all clamoring to get out.’ He primarily paints portraits and figure studies from live models and whenever possible still-lifes in his studio. He has said, ‘I get utterly lost in learning the subtleties of skin, eyes, expression, and emotion. I want to bring the model ‘to life’. I want you to feel their hearts beat, get lost in what they are thinking, and simply revel in the beauty of the human spirit.’
George Mitchell Jr. was born in the small town of Wadley, Georgia. George is primarily self-taught. He has been interested in art since a very young age and has won many awards since 1985. After experimenting with many mediums, George has always returned to painting in oil employing multiple layers in his work in order to create the depth of color and light he desires in his paintings. George’s work has been described as having a soft presence with a story book air about it, with good use of soft forms and textures.
The artists invite you to join them for a wonderful time at their reception on Sunday, July 10th from 4-7pm. Admission to the reception is free as is entrance to the Narrows Gallery during regular gallery hours Wednesday thru Saturday, Noon ‘ 5:00 pm.

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